First day in Canada

Canada Trip
We gathered at a bus station, was heading to the Hong Kong International Airport.
We were all so excited while going to the airport. Except that I didn’t notice that Mimi was taking pictures of us. LOL Look at my facial expression. 

Mr Lou, Ms Mac and Ms Leung came to the airport too! Didn’t expect this! 😆

 We took pictures of us with the Canadian flag and our school banner in the airport. 😂


Officially on my summer holiday!
Aka First day in Canada

Takky woke up at 3am because she wanted to use the washroom, unluckily, she accidentally woke me up. Since then, I couldn’t sleep anymore. (Probably because I have been sleeping the whole time on the plane) 

 Then we went to the beach. 

Anyway, we went to Costco and brought a lot of food. I really have to mention this because everything inside was ginormous. 

And we ate at the cafeteria there. We ordered two pizzas,  two French fries with gravy and three hotdogs, of course we didn’t finish them.  So one of the pizzas turned out to be our dinner.