Goldstream Park

Goldstream Provincial Park

Apart from the hike we did on Mount Doug, this was the hardest! I really appreciated the waterfall.  Initially, I didn’t really like risking my life on a hike (LOL) as I am not that brave as a person and I am afraid of heights also.  But after this trip, man, I felt like I was a whole new person as the climb to Trestle Bridge was really difficult! So, I am glad that my friends were with me as we needed to help each other out. I find it so amazing how things that seem impossible, with the help of others, get a lot easier.  You know the hike was not so difficult, what was difficult was that in some areas the dirt was soft, so a bit slippery, so we needed to help each other through these parts.

But the Trestle Bridge made it all worthwhile. I had never seen or been on a Trestle Bridge before. We walked across the bridge and then had a rail-picnic on the other side. This was also the first time that I have had a picnic in this way.  Before we headed down, we also met a couple of young boys. They were brothers and they both played lacrosse. I had never heard of the game before, but I have checked it out on the internet and looks a bit like football, except the players are throwing and catching the ball, using a stick with a net on the end of it.

It was great to experience nature again. It is so beautiful and clean here and the air is so fresh. I am so glad that I could do this hike and find out that I am stronger than I think I am.

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