BC Museum

BC Museum

I liked the ‘how to save our world’ part. It was all about the problems that are hurting the Earth, like global warming and water pollution etc. I liked it as I felt it related to modern times and critical questions that we must all face in this century. It’s not like that I was not interested in Canadian culture, I would like to know more about it too. But that environmental section just touched the bottom of my heart. Plus, the problems are still ongoing, and we keep harming our planet. It reminded me that I am a global citizen too. I have the responsibility to keep our earth sustainable. So, I liked that part very much.
Also, because we still had some extra time, so we went shopping at some local stores and bought tons of things. I bought a little bear with a Canadian flag sign on it. And I bought a keychain with my name on it. I also bought a cap and a packet of maple coffee for my older brother.

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