
I had never done zip-lining before, so that was my first time. All of us were quite scared before we started this activity, but we got used to the heights. So, it became a lot of fun. Leo and Francis were our safety staff and helpers. They were both part time workers. Leo is an artist and Francis is studying in university. His major is psychology.

I felt like doing zipline was a life lesson. Because at first, I felt like the whole thing wasn’t even humane LOL. But, when I took my first step of the platform, I learned trust and how to be brave. I also found out that the first step is the hardest, and that it was all I needed. Because after that first step, it became easier and easier and easier. I learned that things get easier as long as I keep trying.  (Yes. That’s what I was thinking instead of enjoying the excitement…) Seriously, the progress of getting used to something was just that easy. From scary to exciting, from difficult to easy. I mean, we face so many new difficulties every day, but we should not be afraid. Just like how I did the zip-line thing, you step forward, you may die, but you may also succeed because of that first step. If you die, it’s your fate, but if you succeed, that’ll be a real big step for your future. So, don’t waste your time, JUST DO IT.

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