Breakfast with the Grizzlies

Breakfast with the Grizzlies

We were all so excited to see the grizzly bears this morning, but all the flies were just super annoying. They kept bugging us. We couldn’t even focus on the bears and what our tour guide was saying. I wish the flies were not so bad, so that I could have learned more about the bears, how they live in the wild, and why they are being held in captivity. I know the tour guide talked about all of these things, but all I remember is the buzzzzzzzing of flies.

This was my first time seeing grizzly bears. They were super huge, but cute. It seemed like their hair were very thick. I think they would feel very hot, which is why I think they like to be in the water and swim. We had our breakfast with the grizzly bears. It was a buffet-like breakfast. I ate a lot. They even gave me a bear-like headband.

After having breakfast with the grizzlies, we took a chairlift to the very top of Grouse Mountain. The views were stunning, and there were no flies. Go figure. The neatest thing was watching two hang gliders take off right below us on the chairlift.  What an exciting thing to do.

 The video I took. LOL

The video Mimi took.

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