Beacon Hill Petting Zoo

Beacon Hill Petting Zoo

 We had voted on going to the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo, because we thought it would be a novel activity for us all, since we are all city kids and there aren’t many farms in Hong Kong. I saw two alpacas. They were so very cute. I have always wanted to see alpacas in real life, because they look so dumb and funny. Now that I have….I still think they look dumb and funny.

I saw many baby goats too. Unlike others, I didn’t take that many pictures, because I was too busy playing with them instead of posing for pictures.
Although I’ve seen peacocks before, watching this peacock was astonishing.

Once we were done at the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo, we decided to climb an arbutus tree. This was such fun. Other kids came and joined us, some of them were very little, so we had to help them up into the tree.

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