Mall shopping day

Mall Shopping Day

As soon as we arrived at the Mayfair shopping centre, we ate at the foot court. I had one hard beef taco, some mexi-fries and some Oreo churros from TacoTime. I also tried some wonton soup with noodles and had some salmon sushi later. The food there was quite nice, except for the Chinese food. I wanted to try the Vietnamese spring roll too, but I saw the one that Mimi bought was very huge. And since, I had already eaten so much food, I had no more space for a gigantic spring roll. But speaking of food, I always wanted to try Taco Bell and Chipotle. But I couldn’t find either of them in the shopping center.

After our lunch, we went to West 49. The tees and hoodies there were so cheap and chic. I tried on the pink hoodie that Billy has bought for himself when we went home, and I was full of regret, because I should’ve bought one too! But the great thing was that I went to Garage, AEO and Forever 21. And I bought many different items of clothes there.

Then we headed to Uptown Mall.
At Uptown Mall, we all went into Walmart, and I bought a big box of coconut water for myself. Since the first day, when we stopped at a gas station, I fell in love with coconut water. Coconut water became my Canada drink. I will always remember its sweetness and special flavour. But all the sweeteners were the main reason I was gaining weight! So, I stopped drinking coconut water in Hong Kong when I arrived back in Hong Kong.  And I couldn’t find the same brand here anyway. I guess that was how coconut water and I broke up.

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