Last day in Victoria

Cleaning and Packing

Before having our party and doing the water sports, we had to pack our luggage and clean the house. We needed to wash and dry our clothes and put them into our suitcases. We also had to clean up the kitchen, bring everything that we’ve bought from Costco to Vancouver. So that we didn’t have to waste any foods. After all we did a very good job on cleaning and taking care of our belongings.

Our Farewell Victoria Party
That was our last day in Victoria, so we had a farewell party. We invited Zorro, our new Japanese friend and he came. Eric and Mimi had invited their family and friends as well. We got to play with Michele’s grandchildren who were very little – under the age of 4. They were so cute. We also got to talk and meet others, and Tony taught us how to skip stones. We had fun trying, but it takes some practice to become good at this. Danny, Eric’s youngest son, and Dani his girlfriend, came. They brought their guitars, so we knew there would be music and singing for sure!!! I love singing and playing music!!!   And what I haven’t told you was that this was the night, I went out for my last stand-up board, but it was windier than before, so I didn’t feel comfortable. In the end, Mimi came out and got me and she paddled me home. Thank you, Mimi!

Eric grilled steaks, sausages, chicken, and pork for us on a western barbecue. We had also made some salads, roasted potatoes and garlic bread. I really enjoyed all the foods, but the meat Eric grilled scrumptious! But I enjoyed the apple crumble and ice cream that we had for dessert the most of all. It was divine!!!

We had so much fun singing, dancing, playing music together, and just laughing, chatting, and making each other do silly things.  It was a really fun farewell party. It made me forget that it was my last night in Victoria. I love this place. Time has flown by so quickly!