Butchart Gardens

Butchart Gardens
Butchart Gardens was just astonishing. The flowers were super colorful. And colors of the flowers were so bright and beautiful. I could never express how much I loved this place. I wish I could take you to there. Then you would definitely understand my feelings towards this place.

We had to interview people that day, because we had been video-practicing in class, how to initiate conversations with strangers, we had decided that we would practice this in an authentic context. So I interviewed quite a few people and videotaped our conversations. The most impressive interview was the one I did with Emily. We were trying to interview an old man that day, asking him if he would like to be videotaped. When two boys, who were brothers, asked us spontaneously, if they could help us. LOL. While I am typing this, I still can’t help laughing LMAO. They were Chase and Luke, from USA. Quite young, I remember that Luke was 19 and Chase was twenty something. They were with their family. And their parents were very nice and kind too.
I was so excited that I even forgot my water bottle that my brother gave me at Butchart Gardens. For goodness sake! (Slapping face gif) That’s what you call being over-the-moon happy I guess!

I still am so happy, not just because they were two young good-looking boys, but because they also interviewed us back. They wanted to know more about us as well. This made me feel so good. We added each other to Instagram and I hope we will always be online friends at least.

Our interview

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