IMAXMy first time watching a movie without English subtitles.

We decided to watch JUMANJI at the Imax theatre. Actually, I have never watched movies without subtitles before. Even if I am watching movies in Chinese, my first language, I still need Chinese subtitles.
Anyway, I found I could understand all the plots and understood all the humor. I enjoyed watching an Imax movie very much.  After this experience, I decided to start watching movies without subtitles, since I found it quite easy to follow Jumanji. So, on the plane coming home, I watched movies without subtitles. I started with Harry Potter. I thought this would be easier as I have seen the movie before. The funniest part was that I could barely understand anything. Their British accents were so heavy.  So, I needed to listen very carefully to get what they were saying. I am a really BIG Harry Potter FAN, so I could watch the whole movie series ALL DAY LONG, but I gave up on the plane. LOL

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