Making Skits

Making Skits

Because we needed to make something related to our Canada trip for school. We decided to make skits. The progress was hilarious. We had different themes like eating marshmallows, eating chocolate,combing hair, using shaving cream etc.... But basically it was about one person giving directions, and two other people using their hands to follow the directions. But the two couldn’t see, they needed to hide behind the person. That was making the skits way much funnier.

Daisy's skit is very funny LOLLLLLLLLLLLL I laughed so hard when I was typing this blog!!

This is Carmen's. The hand on the left is my hand. The right one  is Takky's.

LOLLLLLLLLL. Sorry Steven!!! Left is me, right is Takky.

And finally, my skit.
OH MY! (Searching online: How to get rid of a double chin. LOL)

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