Last day in Victoria

Cleaning and Packing

Before having our party and doing the water sports, we had to pack our luggage and clean the house. We needed to wash and dry our clothes and put them into our suitcases. We also had to clean up the kitchen, bring everything that we’ve bought from Costco to Vancouver. So that we didn’t have to waste any foods. After all we did a very good job on cleaning and taking care of our belongings.

Our Farewell Victoria Party
That was our last day in Victoria, so we had a farewell party. We invited Zorro, our new Japanese friend and he came. Eric and Mimi had invited their family and friends as well. We got to play with Michele’s grandchildren who were very little – under the age of 4. They were so cute. We also got to talk and meet others, and Tony taught us how to skip stones. We had fun trying, but it takes some practice to become good at this. Danny, Eric’s youngest son, and Dani his girlfriend, came. They brought their guitars, so we knew there would be music and singing for sure!!! I love singing and playing music!!!   And what I haven’t told you was that this was the night, I went out for my last stand-up board, but it was windier than before, so I didn’t feel comfortable. In the end, Mimi came out and got me and she paddled me home. Thank you, Mimi!

Eric grilled steaks, sausages, chicken, and pork for us on a western barbecue. We had also made some salads, roasted potatoes and garlic bread. I really enjoyed all the foods, but the meat Eric grilled scrumptious! But I enjoyed the apple crumble and ice cream that we had for dessert the most of all. It was divine!!!

We had so much fun singing, dancing, playing music together, and just laughing, chatting, and making each other do silly things.  It was a really fun farewell party. It made me forget that it was my last night in Victoria. I love this place. Time has flown by so quickly!

Hiking in a Temperate Rainforest

Hiking in a Temperate Rainforest
I enjoyed our hike, because it wasn’t as hard as the one we did on the first day – our Mount Doug hike. And also, in that hike, I felt so close to nature. And I fell so in love with all the trees and little flowers in that forests.

Also, we came across a beach. I didn’t know its name, but I guess it was Becher Bay. It was so beautiful there. I can’t think of any words to describe it other than beautiful. The sea and sky were so blue, so close was their reflection that it seemed like they merged and were fused together. The sun was very bright, so it made the soft white sand shine and sparkle before our eyes. The water was clear and refreshingly cool. The nearby trees were tall with gorgeous green leaves that danced in the sunlight and rustled in the breeze.  I could have stayed at the beach FOREVER.

Whale watching

Whale Watching
I had to make my own lunch and guess what I have made! I have made a sandwich with avocado and lettuce – Yum!!!! I also brought some cherry tomatoes and blueberries with me. Then we went to Fisherman’s Wharf to find our Whale Watching boat. It was a big catamaran.
We passed through Esquimalt harbour before heading out to sea.  The weather was quite cool, so we had to wear a jacket, or at least a sweater. Many of us felt like we should have worn something warmer, since it is ‘summer time’, all of us chose to wear shorts, except of course, Mimi, she told us that we might want to wear something warmer. Everything was alright when we first arrived at the boat, but when the boat turned out to open sea, we started to feel extremely cold. The sea wind was especially cold. The boat was going super-fast, so the bitter wind was so strong that I felt like it would blow me off the boat. I didn’t want to stay inside, because I wanted to go out and enjoy the sea views. But I was freezing cold after I made a few attempts. So, I stayed inside for the rest of the trip.

Overall this trip was amazing, because I got to One of the big male sea lions pushed the other small female into the ocean. LOL. That scenario was HILARIOUS.  We also got to see lots of seabirds, like a rare puffin and tons of seagulls, and only a few cormorants.

see killer whales. They were super cute. And these are sea creatures that I would never see in Hong Kong. Plus, we also got to see sea lions. They were gigantic. And some of them looked furious and very aggressive.

Mall shopping day

Mall Shopping Day

As soon as we arrived at the Mayfair shopping centre, we ate at the foot court. I had one hard beef taco, some mexi-fries and some Oreo churros from TacoTime. I also tried some wonton soup with noodles and had some salmon sushi later. The food there was quite nice, except for the Chinese food. I wanted to try the Vietnamese spring roll too, but I saw the one that Mimi bought was very huge. And since, I had already eaten so much food, I had no more space for a gigantic spring roll. But speaking of food, I always wanted to try Taco Bell and Chipotle. But I couldn’t find either of them in the shopping center.

After our lunch, we went to West 49. The tees and hoodies there were so cheap and chic. I tried on the pink hoodie that Billy has bought for himself when we went home, and I was full of regret, because I should’ve bought one too! But the great thing was that I went to Garage, AEO and Forever 21. And I bought many different items of clothes there.

Then we headed to Uptown Mall.
At Uptown Mall, we all went into Walmart, and I bought a big box of coconut water for myself. Since the first day, when we stopped at a gas station, I fell in love with coconut water. Coconut water became my Canada drink. I will always remember its sweetness and special flavour. But all the sweeteners were the main reason I was gaining weight! So, I stopped drinking coconut water in Hong Kong when I arrived back in Hong Kong.  And I couldn’t find the same brand here anyway. I guess that was how coconut water and I broke up.

Breakfast with the Grizzlies

Breakfast with the Grizzlies

We were all so excited to see the grizzly bears this morning, but all the flies were just super annoying. They kept bugging us. We couldn’t even focus on the bears and what our tour guide was saying. I wish the flies were not so bad, so that I could have learned more about the bears, how they live in the wild, and why they are being held in captivity. I know the tour guide talked about all of these things, but all I remember is the buzzzzzzzing of flies.

This was my first time seeing grizzly bears. They were super huge, but cute. It seemed like their hair were very thick. I think they would feel very hot, which is why I think they like to be in the water and swim. We had our breakfast with the grizzly bears. It was a buffet-like breakfast. I ate a lot. They even gave me a bear-like headband.

After having breakfast with the grizzlies, we took a chairlift to the very top of Grouse Mountain. The views were stunning, and there were no flies. Go figure. The neatest thing was watching two hang gliders take off right below us on the chairlift.  What an exciting thing to do.

 The video I took. LOL

The video Mimi took.

Black Bear Watching

Black Bear Watching
We met Adam and Max bear watching, and this was the first time that I talked so much with strangers. They were very nice and talkative, so we kept talking for the whole trip.  By the end of the trip, I felt very relaxed and realized that I could talk spontaneously to Canadians. This was enlightening, and it really started to build my self-confidence, because even though everyone says I am good at English, I don’t always feel confident.  But talking to Max and Adam really helped to boost my confidence. I want to really thank them.

I thought the black bears were going to be HUGE, like grizzly bears, but it turned out they were small-medium, not really big. But very dangerous, they said, so I was happy that we were on a boat watching them.

Adam was teaching us SCOUT SKILLS. Super useful!

Leaving Canada

Leaving Canada
Leaving Canada. We were lining up to check in. Then we went to a tax-free souvenir shop. We bought many souvenirs there. I also got Canada maple ice wine for my family.

And before we left, we gave the cards that we wrote secretly to Mimi and Eric. They were touched. We hugged each other. He said he’s going to Hong Kong soon, so we get to see him again. We were all so very thankful for all the things Mimi and Eric have done. 

Steven, Takky, Daisy and I watched 'Love, Simon' on the plane.

Leaving 5055 Cordova Bay Road

Leaving 5055 Cordova Bay Road

We packed our luggage again in the morning and headed out to the ferry terminal. I bought a cup of berries smoothie because we didn’t have our breakfast before we leave, and I was starting to feel hungry when we arrived at the terminal. When we got to the ferry, we had our breakfast while ferry crossing. We had some fruits, bagels, eggs and so much meat for breakfast.... That was my first time eating an unhealthy breakfast.

My berries smoothie. 😋
Emily and I were both wearing Mimi’s jackets. 💨

Resting after breakfast. 

New Home Impressions

New Home Impressions
We got to our new home. That was actually quite nice there. The owner of the house is Chinese. They have three rooms, two bathrooms, a very big living room, a dinning room, a kitchen and a patio. We were cooking ramen every night!!!
I liked our new home. ^o^

Visit with Miss Lau

Visit with Miss Lau

I never thought that I would be able to see my teacher in this Canada trip. But we went to her house and visited her and her family! Her kids were so hyperactive and cute. We went to the park together and played for hours. We talked so much, but I don’t want to list all the things that we’ve talked about here. We just had a very good time seeing each other again.

On the way to Miss Lau's house. ;P
Playing with her kids!

Whistler - Peak to Peaker Mount

Whistler - Peak to Peaker Mount
We had so much fun on the mountain top, because we could see, feel, and throw snow! It wasn’t my first time seeing snow, but it was definitely my first time having a snowball fight with my secondary school friends!  What fun! Daisy and I weren’t planning to play at first, so we helped each other take pictures of each other in these gorgeous snowy mountains. But then I saw Steven and Eric were playing with snowballs, so I decided to join them. While Daisy was taking a ton of selfies, we were throwing snowballs at one another. My ego was badly injured. I lost the fight. LOL

After playing in the snow, we took the Peak-to-Peak Gondola. It took us from Whistler Mountain to Blackcomb Mountain. We were suppose to get off, but the line-ups to get back on were really long, so we decided to just play dumb and stay on. It worked and we returned to Whistler Mountain, so we could get on another gondola to come down from the snowy mountains.

We decided that we wanted an hour to look around the shops and go to Starbucks. All the girls except Summer and Takky went to Starbucks, and almost everybody ordered the Java Chip Frappuccino. Then, we ran off to the stores and bought some souvenirs before driving back to Vancouver.

The ride back was very interesting because we had to make some emergency stops, due to those Starbuck Java Chip Frappuccinos. Who would have guessed!

Snowball Fight

FAT DAD Studio Recording with Ben Erikson

Fat Dad Studio Recording with Ben Erikson

We knew that we were going to a recording studio. We had been learning and practicing many songs in Hong Kong, and we had chosen to record ‘One Call Away’ by Charlie Puth. What we didn’t know was that we would have to be recorded one person at a time!! This made all of us very nervous. Although, it was not my first time recording in a studio, it was my first time being recorded in a really professional studio by a real recording master! Bennie made me almost want to be a musician. I love music, but I don’t think I am talented enough to do it professionally, so I really respect people who have musical talent.  Once we were done recording this, we recorded ‘We’re Here for A Good Time,’ with Eric, Bennie, and Mimi. This was our surprise for Eric, because it is his favourite song. We hope he really liked it.

It is so incredible that we could have this experience, because experiences like these really help me build self-confidence as they push me to do better than even I think I can.  In this way, they not only make me more confident, they make me happier as they make me feel like if I try, I can be successful.

Our music video! >o<
Ummm... This is my cover... It's not very good, but hope you won't hate or make fun of it.

Meeting Japanese Students

Meeting Japanese Students

Then we decided to walk around Beacon Hill Park before heading home to cook dinner. In the park we met three Japanese students. They helped some of us to wear their traditional clothes. And they gave us the food they brought from Japan. How generous of them! We invited them to our farewell party.  Zorro could attend, but the girls were going to be in Toronto.

It was great to chat and interact with the Japanese students. Like us, they were in Canada to try and improve their English, so they were delighted that they could practice their English with us. Just like the Canadians, the Japanese are so friendly, kind, and warm-hearted. I think it is really good to meet people from different cultures, because we can use them as role models and become better global citizens.  

Beacon Hill Petting Zoo

Beacon Hill Petting Zoo

 We had voted on going to the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo, because we thought it would be a novel activity for us all, since we are all city kids and there aren’t many farms in Hong Kong. I saw two alpacas. They were so very cute. I have always wanted to see alpacas in real life, because they look so dumb and funny. Now that I have….I still think they look dumb and funny.

I saw many baby goats too. Unlike others, I didn’t take that many pictures, because I was too busy playing with them instead of posing for pictures.
Although I’ve seen peacocks before, watching this peacock was astonishing.

Once we were done at the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo, we decided to climb an arbutus tree. This was such fun. Other kids came and joined us, some of them were very little, so we had to help them up into the tree.

Redlen Technologies

Redlen Technologies

After the Butchart Gardens Trip, Eric took us to the company he is working in. He introduced his colleagues to us and toured us to his office and other different places. He even led us to some laboratories to see how semiconductors were manufactured. When he first came to Hong Kong and met us, he talked about what he was working on. But I didn’t understand a thing about semiconductors. This time, I didn’t quite exactly understand the whole process, yet I got to know some simple facts about semiconductors. A very good opportunity to learn new things!

Capilano Suspension Bridge

Capilano Suspension Bridge

WOW! This place was SUPER crowded. There were way too many tourists. Like there was no space to walk because everybody was standing there and taking selfies. But I really like the feeling of standing on a suspension bridge, walking ontop of the treetops, and cliffwalk, but there just wasn’t any space. I felt like an animal being herded around. On the suspension bridge it felt like you were going to fall over with each step, but you actually don’t. Very interesting, and a really interesting feeling.

Vancouver Harbour Sunset Dinner Cruise
Frankly, I didn’t see the sunset. But I did love the food and the band there. I enjoyed their jazzy music very much. I had salad, chickpeas, pasta, roast veggies, salmon and roast beef. They were very great. For dessert, I tried some cheesecake and chocolate cake. I was so in love with the chocolate cake! I ate two slices of it! Oh my! It was like the best chocolate cake ever! YUM! YUM!  After dinner, we played truth or dare. We got to know more about everybody. And we got permission from Mimi and Erik to have a slumber party on our very last night in Canada.

The slumber party lasted well into the night and early morning. We played many games and got to know each other even better than we already do.  What fun! What memories! What a dream come true!

I have learned so much about myself. I feel more independent. More alive. More ready and able to take on the challenges of life. I loved every moment of this journey, and I especially loved learning new life skills, like cooking, keeping myself organized, and just looking after myself. I’m proud of myself. I’ve changed. I matured – and I had fun getting there. Thank you Eric, Mimi, everyone we met in Canada, and Canada. What an incredible journey!

Mount Doug

Mount Doug 

After shopping we went to hike. Emily and Summer have helped me a lot. I guess because I was so tired and only slept for three hours the night before, I was exhausted after the hike. However, the view from the mountain top was great. I would have been very appreciative to hike if I were energetic today. 
I think the best part of the day was that we went to thrifty foods grocery store after hiking, and this was mainly because the cashiers there were so handsome. (They made my day)
Then Takky, Summer, Emlily and I were the cooks, we made some simple healthy food.

The Hot Springs

The Hot Springs

The hot springs were quite far away. We got there by boat, and the boat ride was about an hour long. We were greeted by some friendly wild dogs who hiked with us through the Pacific Rim National park and some gorgeous old growth forest.  The hike though was on a boardwalk, so much more similar to hiking in Hong Kong, but the view was breathtaking.

I enjoyed the hot springs, but it was a bit windy there. They were also quite small, so everybody had to be very close together, like boiling dumplings. was getting inside, like boiling dumplings. But we had a very happy morning there before heading back to Tofino. By the time we were back out to sea, the skies had cleared, and the sun was shining so beautifully. We couldn’t wait to get back to Tofino, because we wanted to go shopping!!!

Canada Day

Canada Day

Today was Canada Day, so there were lots of activities happening in Tofino. There was a skateboarding competition this afternoon, and tonight there was a town party.. There was a mini concert, people dancing, walking on stilts and then there were fireworks, which were SOOOO AWESOME. I have started to regret that I didn’t dance that night. I wasn’t brave enough to dance.  But, I should have because others were up dancing and we were invited to join in. I shouldn’t have felt self-conscious. I should do everything I want to do, because I will only live once, and ‘we regret the opportunities we haven’t taken, not the ones we have’.

When we went got back to the campground, I to the McKenzie Beach to look at the stars. They were so, so beautiful. We played on the beach and met some Canadians who had built a big fire and were still celebrating Canada Day.

We were all sitting together.